Garrod (e. K.), The Unit Of Strife, Cr 8vo (longman)
net 8/6 Gibbon (P.), The Vrouw Grobelaax's Leading Cases, cr 8vo W. Blackwood) 6/0 Gould S. B.), A. Book of the Riviera, cr 8vo - (Methuen) 6/0 Gray ( B. K , History of English......
And Mr. Cumming Walters, Deciding In Favour Of The Former.
Briefly put, it is this : Edwin Drood is not dead ; Helena marries Crisparkle, and Rosa marries Tartar. 27es Forester. By John Nisbet, D.Aec. 2 vols. (W. Blackwood and Sons.......
Effect. It Is To Be Hoped That If The Colouring
shows any sign of fading, a careful copy of it will be made. We know too little of the art of coloured sculpture, of which some day there may be a Renaissance. SOME BOOKS OF THE......
Magazines And Serial Publicat10ns.—we Have Received The...
:—The Century, the Pall Mall Maga- zine, St. Nicholas, the Review of Review:, Harper's Magazine, the Windsor Magazine, Cassier's Magazine, the Sunday at Home, the Month, the......