P Ostcodes Sir: In 1969, The Po Stated: `the Figure Of
£24 million is the amount we expect to invest in automatic letter coding equipment over the next ten years. When the system is in full swing, the annual return is expected to......
T He Spy Ship Review Ofhis Extraordinarily Intemperate Of...
Conspiracy of Silence (7 ctober), Sir Anthony Nutting has allowed his personal opinion to override his duty to o bjectivity. The review is couched in tone arid terms least......
Polish Pope
Sir: I have just seen your 28 October issue with my article headed 'The Papacy restored' which includes a typographical error of some substance. Jam printed as saying: 'A Pope......
Another Place
Sir: Being the twenty-sixth on turn for reading the Spectator (not parsimonious, just poor) I have only just got round to Peter Paterson's description of Blackpool (7 October).......
The Daily Mirror
Sir: In case anyone takes seriously Richard West's comments on the Daily Mirror (4 November) may I correct three errors of fact. (1) The Daily Mirror is not run by an......