In The Thoughtless Little Book Which Mr. W. B. Curry
contributed on this subject to the Penguin Series, many most relevant questions are dismissed as " mere matters of detail " or " doctrinaire." I feel that it would be of......
Their Purpose, If I Understand It Aright, Is To Create
a New World Order in which there will be less poverty and no war. That is a purpose which we all acclaim. From the economic point of view they hope to establish Free Trade among......
Let Us Suppose (and It Is A Tremendous Assumption) That
the fifteen countries so glibly enumerated by Mr. Clarence Streit were really prepared to surrender to a Federal Authority the decisions of peace and war ; that they were......
People And Things
By HAROLD NICOLSON SOME weeks ago I made an incidental reference in these 0 columns to the ease with which the conception of Federal Union has captured the hearts of the British......
It Seems To Me That They Are Too Readily Impressed
by analogies which, if not false, are certainly incomplete. The Heptarchy, which is often trotted out as Exhibit No. i, leaves me cold. I admit that there was a time when the......