Finance And Investment
THESE are brave markets. Indeed, their behaviour in the opening days of 1940 must seem little short of reckless to those who regard the present quietude as a mere lull before......
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TURNER AND NEWALL PROGRESS • I wish all out large industrial companies produced accounts as informative as those of Turner and Newall, the asbestos combine. Here is an annual......
Jute Industries Recovery Market Hopes Of A Larger...
from Jute Industries are fulfilled by the raising of the payment from 3 to 4 per cent. In the full accounts for the year ended September 3oth, which cover a period ine4ding only......
Good Banking Dividends As Everyone Had Hoped And Most Of
us expected, there are no cuts in banking dividends. In most cases, of course, published profits are lower than in 1938, which is not sur- prising in the light of heavier......
Lancashire Cotton Prospects
My impression of the outlook for the Lancashire Cotton Corporation is fully confirmed by the report and accounts. It is made perfectly clear that the jump in profits from......