Episcopacy In Scotland.
[To TRH EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR:I Sin,—Pray allow me to disown the protest you have attributed to me, perhaps by mistake for Canon Tristram. I am not a member of Convocation,......
Canine And Feline Instinct.
[To THIS EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOIC] have seen several stories about dogs lately in the news- papers, which makes me think I might tell a story of a dog we once had. Two of my......
THE ROYAL ACADEMY. [SECOND NOTICE] WE shall endeavour in this second notice to point out the most notable of the figure-subjects in the second, third, and fourth rooms, leaving......
The Disestablished Irish Church And Its Theology.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECITATOR.1 Sin,—In the Spectator of March 31 there was a letter from an " Ex- Divinity Student," dated from Trinity College, Dublin, and com- plaining......