Thursday's Debate Was Commenced By Mr. Courtney, In A Very
vigorous speech, a speech of grasp as well as humour, of which, as well as of Mr. Forster's, we have given a short sketch elsewhere. Mr. Chaplin made one of his Turkish......
Sir H. Wolff Then Moved A Counter-resolution, Declaring...
House declines "to entertain any resolution which may embarrass the Government in maintaining peace and protecting British interests, without indicating any alternative policy,"......
He Began With Illustrating The Ambiguities Of The...
alternations of hot and cold fits, the playing-off of the representative of one policy against the representative of another, the preliminary warnings to the Turks that if they......
Nevertheless, After A Wrangle Which Took All The...
of the House, and something like half-an-hour's explanations out of Mr. Gladstone,—which exhausted the attention of Members, and protracted the preliminaries up to the usual......
On Tuesday, The Duke Of Rutland Made A Gallant Little
attack on the reply of Lord Derby to Prince GortachakofPs Circular, a, few hours before his brother, Lord John Manners, spoke in de- fenee of the Government in the House of......
The Debate Of Tuesday Was Rather Dim. Mr. Childers, Who
commenced it, made a good point in showing how enthusiastically Mr. Cross was cheered by his party when he said anything on behalf of Turkey, and how blankly that party sat and......
Mr. Roebuck Has Delivered A Pro-turkish Diatribe This...
only in the House of Commons, but to the members of a Provident Fund whom he met at Sheffield, and whom he exhorted to imitate the sobriety of the Turks. "We are surrounded," he......