[to The Editor Of The " Spectator." . 1
SIR,—I imagine that most Anglo-Indian officers will be glad to see your article in the Spectator of May 5th. It has long been evident to the great majority, if not to every one......
I To The Editor Of The " Speotator."1 Srn,—your Article
in the Spectator of May 5th, "Next Week in India," must arouse deep interest in every reflective reader. It is more than deeply interesting to one who has passed through that......
Irish Redistribution.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In a leader on a late debate, you include me with Mr-- Shaw-Lefevre and Mr. Paul, as taking refuge in the Act of Union, as asking how......
The New Building Societies Bill. [to The Editor Of The
"SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Mr. Herbert Gladstone has again brought in a Building:. Societies Bill No. 2, founded on the Report of the House of' Commons (Mr. Jackson withdrawing in its......