There Is A Good Deal Of Honest Thinking And Good
writing in the new number of the Church Quarterly Review, but it suggests too much the idea of a collection of long and belated reviews of books. Thus there is no questioning......
The Adventure Of Two Brothers (one Of Whom Goes To
seek the other) in one of the caverns of the West Coast of Ireland. The story is, of course, not very probable,—it does not even profess to be true,—but it is just within the......
There Is Much That Is Interesting, And Of Necessity A
good deal that is eminently Richardsonian, in Sir Benjamin Ward Richard- son's quarterly magazine, the Asclepiad. In a recent volume we are told such things as that quackery......
The Feature Nowadays Of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine Is...
novel which appears every month. The place of honour is given in the new number to "I Professional Beauty," by E. P. Train. It supplies in autobiographical form the story of an......
Although The May Number Of The Sunday At Home Cannot
be described BB an outstanding one, its contents are varied, including papers on such different subjects as "Christina Rossetti," "Dr. Stoughton's Recollections," and "Sunday in......