12 MAY 1906, page 1

As Soon As The Duma Had "come To Order" It

elected Professor Mouromtseff President He immediately called on M. Ivan Petrunkevitch, an old combatant for freedom and for years an exile, to mount the rostrum. His first......

E.,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...


That The Czar Is At Present Inclined To Neglect These

warnings is only too evident from his Speech from the Throne. Words of sympathy and trust, words setting forth the awful responsibility undertaken by the Duma, words warning......

Ne Ws Of The Week.

Sultan had not yielded on Friday afternoon. This, however, does not show that he will not yield, for previous experience proves that he is a believer in eleventh- hour......

The Russian Duma Was Opened By The Czar On Thursday

with the utmost magnificence of ceremonial, but far more impressive than all the pomp was the haughty impassiveness with which the Delegates received the Czar's Speech, and......

The Elections Took Place In France Last Sunday. A Second

ballot will be necessary in 155 constituencies, but it is believed that it will result only in an increase of the Bloc majority. According to one estimate, the new Chamber will......

The Efforts Of The German Press To Attach Serious Political

importance to the visit of the Kaiser to Vienna meet with no support in the Austrian capital. While, however, Vienna is coldly polite, the Hungarian official journals adopt an......