The Land—and The Telephone.
[TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTItTOR.") SIR,—In your issue of April 7th I read with interest Mr. Rider Haggard's suggestion that England should make more use of the telephone in......
Greece And The Olympic Games. [to The Editor Of.tiiic...
STR, — Some passages in the interesting article on "The Heritage of Greece" in the Spectator of May 5th recall to me a broad statement made by Mill in his essay on " Early)......
Ireland's Financial Relations.
[TO THE EDTIOR OF THE "SPECTAT0R:9 have read the Spectator for twenty years,—not always in agreement, but never without profit. But I do not remember to have seen any case......
The Antiquities Of Durham. (to The Editor Of The "
SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—The Spectator of April 28th, reviewing five volumes of the "Victoria County Histories," makes an interesting com- parison between the early conditions of......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator."]
Sin,—Lieutenant Canyon Bellaire writes against the Admiralty scheme with great ingenuity in the Spectator of April 28th, but his letter teems with half-truths and with......
Christianity And The Working Classes. [to The Editor Op Tee
"SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—In your review of Mr. Haw's book in the Spectator of April 28th under the above title, you say you are impatient at my "extreme sacerdotalism." It is only......