An Irish Channel Tunnel. [to The Editoz Op Viz "srucratoal
Sin,—I am very glad to observe that you have opened your columns for the discussion of this very important question. I do not desire to add anything to what your correspondents......
"stium Cuique."
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Si,—The substance of the saying, "Death cannot be an evil because it is universal," may be found in Cicero's "Tusculanw Dispntationes," I.......
AN AUTUMN DREAM. THE wind-swept walks of Pere La Chaise With fallen leaves are spread. The west is all a golden blaze, With one broad bar of red. Midway, the mists have framed a......
Heron And Rooks.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] 'Sin,—Between the Boyne and the Nanny River lies a certain wood, where the rooks have lived undisturbed and nnshot for many generations. We......
A Cure.
('lo THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin —In a "Popular Guide to the Use of the Bath Waters," 1888, occurs a passage which might fitly supplement the exquisite anecdotes quoted......
A Correction.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTIT013.1 Sin,—In your otherwise admirable article—informing and steadying—on "The New Fashoda Despatches" in the Spectator of October 29th, the......
Irish Humour.
iTo THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] ' S Ei — In his notice of a volume of sermons by the Bishop of Derry in the Spectator of November 5th, your reviewer instances, as "a touch......
Courage In Animals.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPEC teros.”] SIR,—The anecdote of the rabbit and the stoat in the article on "Courage in Smaller Animals "—Spectator of October 22nd --reminds me of an......