12 OCTOBER 1996, page 32

Sir: Although I Would Prefer That 'britain's Corporate...

not become dominat- ed by lawyers, I cannot agree with the rosy picture of the Takeover Panel which Caro- line O'Driscoll paints in her article. During my recent dealings with......

Letters Fair And Accurate

Sir: I see from your columns that a recent book by Mr George Urban criticises the accuracy of the summary of the Chequers seminar on Germany drafted by Sir Charles Powell......


Sir: Caroline Driscoll's article (Now Brus- sels wants a job in the City', 28 September) has all the ingredients of another Euro- myth scare story. Surely, the point is not who......

Pride Before A Fall

Sir: I agree with many of Milton Shulman's points (Teaching the truth about the war', 28 September) but Field Marshal von Rundstedt is not the proper source. The originator of......

For Art's Sake

Sir: Simon Courtauld is quite right (Arts, 14 September) that we should go to Dres- den, see that magnificent city and help to restore its glory. However, the bombing of Dresden......