Reviewer Reviewed
Sir: It must be a rare reviewer of a new publication who devotes only four words to the book under review (Jacqueline Bouvier: An Intimate Memoir, Books, 28 September), in this......
Non-opera-goer's Plea
Sir: It would be foolish to deny Dr Tanner's authority on Wagner; and I've no doubt that his strictures (Arts, 5 October) on the production of Covent Garden's Ring are as......
The Beards Of Yesteryear
Sir: In his review of the Runcie biography (Books, 28 September), John Grigg, com- menting on the possible translation of the present Bishop of London to Canterbury, asks, 'If......
A Family Affair
Sir: Some readers may still be frustrated by your lack of photographic representations of columnists. Those curious to see Mary Killen in the flesh are welcome to visit the......
Parish Pests
Sir: May I draw to the attention of Ruth Rees (`My sexually turbulent priest', 5 October) that the species she calls 'priest- hunters' are not unknown in the Anglican communion?......
Bring Back Rachel
Sir: Rather than taking up the cudgels, Mr Varadarajan (Letters, 28 September) should see Mr Glover's point, which was to express sadness over the loss of Rachel......
Coarse Source
Sir: How odd that your leader (28 Septem- ber) on Lady Thatcher's James Bryce lec- ture failed to remark on the absurd contra- diction in her condemnation of contempo- rary......
Pride Before A Fall
Sir: I agree with many of Milton Shulman's points (Teaching the truth about the war', 28 September) but Field Marshal von Rundstedt is not the proper source. The originator of......