13 APRIL 1867, page 1

In The Debate On Thursday The First Intrigue Of The

Govern- ment, attempted through its external allies, was delay. Lord' Grosvenor, strongly assisted by Lord Etch°, Mr. Henley, Mr. Dillwyn, and Sir R. Knightley did what they......

News Of The Week.


Mr. Gladstone's Speech, Though By No Means One Of His

greatest displays, was wonderfully cogent. He showed clearly that the " barriers " introdiitakby Mr. Disraeli's scheme were utterly un- trustworthy. They would be swept away in......

The Whole Debate Was Spirited, And Meant Business. The Only

Liberal deserter who spoke wall Mr. *Wert, who AM MO 104 to count on Mr. Disraeli's vague assurances of some candid future con- sideration of his wishes about the compound......

When The House Went Into Committee, The Borough Franchise...

the first topic. Nominally, the debate was on an amendment pro- posed by Mr. Gladstone, really it was upon this :—Both sides wish to establish household suffrage, with......

The Instruction To The Committee On Reform Empowering A 51.

rating limit, and removing all inequalities in the conditions of the franchise above that limit, of which Mr. Gladstone spoke to his party at the Liberal meeting of yesterday......

Later In The Evening Mr. Bernal Osborne Somewhat Revived Its

spirits by a very pungent attack on the Government and on the Liberal defaulters. He did not object, he said, to "fishing for a policy," but he did object to the unsportsmanlike......

Notice To Advertisers—the Publisher Requests That...

sent in as early in the week as possible, in order to insure insertion. In future, the latest time will be 2 o'clock on Friday Afternoons.......