The Ships Of Tarshish : A Sequel To Sue's Wandering
Jew. By Mohao. (Hall and Co.)—We feel some scruple in recommending this book, which we took at first to be a magnified tract. But, on the whole, we can safely confide it to such......
A Greek Primer For The Use Of Schools. By The
Rev. Charles H. Hole, M.A. (Rivingtons.) —We incline to accept the heresy that if young boys are to be taught Greek, it will be an advantage to them to under- stand the grammar.......
Japanese Odes Translated Into English. By F. V. Dickins,...
(Smith, Elder, and Co.)—This is a curiosity of literature, and is quite as worthy of a place on a drawing-room table as a Japanese tray or 'workbox. All the odes are short—most......
The Sentence Of Iictires, And Other Poems. By Henry Nutcombe
Oxenham, M.A. Second Edition. (Longmans.)—One-fifth of the verses in this edition are, says Mr. Oxenham, new, the verses are all smooth, many of them musical, but none original.......
Ciceronis Epistolcwwn Delectus: A Selection From Cicero's...
the Contemporary History of Rome. By E. St. John Parry, M.A. (Longmans.)—A hundred and eleven of Cicero's letters are contained in this book, all of them having some bearing on......
Current Literature.
Tennysoniana. Notes, Bibliographical and Critical, on Early Poems of Alfred and C. Tennyson, In Memoriam Various Readings, with parallel passages in Shakespeare's Sonnets, ec.c.......
Four Centuries Of The History Of A Common:* Lord Spencer's
late attempted encroachments on the pleasures of his neighbours have been fruitful in consequences. They have • Extracts from the Court Rolls of the Manor of Wimbledon,......