Damned Houses
Sir: Your profile of Sir John Summerson (6 April) omitted to mention one notorious example of his mischievous perversity. Twenty years ago, the distinguished author of Georgian......
Respectable Perth
Sir: I refer to your article entitled 'Twenty years of Perth' by Roy Kerridge, which appeared in your recent Scottish issue (16 March). To state, as Mr Kerridge has done, that......
Greek Courage
Sir: If a Nobel Prize were to be awarded for 'courage', then one of this year's contenders to join the ranks of Alexander, Hercules, Hector, Lysander and such great men as these......
Rocket Troop
Sir: I refer to Mr Blow's interesting article 'Racing with the Colonel' (23 March), in which he states that 0 Battery, RHA was known as the Rocket Troop because of its speed......
Trouble Maker
Sir: This American reader writes, not to disclaim Jeffrey Bernard's statement (Low life, 9 March) that most Americans are almost illiterate, but to confirm it. Also I have a......
Sir: I was somewhat alarmed by the adver- tisement you ran with your 23 March 1985 issue: 'looking for a production editor/sub- editor with a flair for the attractive verbal and......
Sir: I don't mind you being ill-informed about Ireland, but I do object to you being ill-informed about myself (Notes, 30 March). Can't you learn to spell my name right? Stewart......
Fitting in with oil Sir: Jock Bruce-Gardyne (The economy, 30 March) asks how North Sea oil would have 'fitted in' had we not had increased import penetration etc. His noble......