Selfridge's Record Profits.
Very striking, too, are the figures of Selfridge and Co., for the year ended January 31st last. In the net profits there is a rise from £353,000 to 2504,000 • a sum of 125,000......
- -financial - Notes The Outlook.
But for the possibility of higher rates for money in America, indications are not unfavourable to easier monetary conditions here. The Dutch Exchange shows an upward tendency. A......
Activity At The Stores.
The full report of Ilarrod's Stores has yet to be issued, but the preliminary results which have been published are distinctly encouraging. They show that the net profits for......
Gas And Electric= Schemes.
Electricity notwithstanding, there would seem to be no falling off in the usefulness and popularity of gas, and at the recent meeting of the Gas, Light and Coke Company the......
Profits Of Combines.
Whatever may be said from the ethical standpoint with regard to industrial combines, there can be no question that it is in those directions that shareholders at the present......