A Weary World Sees A Chance At Last Of The
Purchase Bill passing, and even, if we may judge from some of the language used on Thursday night, of its being hereafter regarded by both parties as a most philanthropic and......
A Little Too Much Is Being Said About The Success
of the Baring liquidation. The liabilities, estimated in No4ember, 1890, at 220,983,000, have, it is true, been reduced to 28,336,000, against which there are assets of......
On Monday, Sir W. Hart Dyke Proposed The Resolution With
regard to the authorising of payments "out of moneys to be provided by Parliament of ,a fee-grant in aid of education in England and Wales," which gave him the opportunity of......
A Very Large Deputation Waited Upon Sir Michael Hicks- Beach
yesterday week to procure his licence for the incorpora- tion of a Limited Liability Company as an Institute of Preventive Medicine, with the omission of the word "Limited," by......
As Regards The Charge That The Conservatives Had At One
time vigorously defended the extraction of the school-pence from parents, Sir W. Hart Dyke frankly admitted it for him- self, and said simply that he had changed his mind. The......
Sir W. Hart Dyke's Statement Was Remarkably Well Re- Ceived.
Mr. A. Acland commented on the absence of any conditions enforcing improved methods on schools which might gain considerably by the 10s. grant, and Mr. Howorth made his public......
Mr. Labouchere Has Addressed A Long Letter To The Times,
published on Friday, in which he explains his position in regard to the alleged alliance between Great Britain and Italy. He never, be says, asserted that a treaty had been......
We Still Entertain Considerable Hope That The Free...
may pass before the adjournment or prorogation of Parliament. The tendency in the Opposition is clearly to discourage anything approaching to needless discussion and delay, and......