Manual Of Assaying : Heinemann's Scientific Handbooks, By...
Brown and A. B. Griffiths. (Heinernann.)—This is certainly a practical book, for, besides the laboratory assays and analysis, there are some of the more expeditious assays which......
Pere Didon's Life Of Christ.*
THE two large volumes entitled simply .Tesus Christ, and written by the Dominican monk, Pere Didon, have already gone through many editions, though only published in Paris last......
Kibboo Ganey. By Walter Wentworth. (t. Nelson And Sons.)—...
Ganey is a typical story of adventure of the third-rate kind. The characters of the story, a Colonel who goes to Africa. to settle a disputed, geographical question, and two......
The Naturalist Of Curotbrae I A True Story. Being The
Life of David Robertson. By his Friend, the Rev. Thomas N. R. Stabbing, MA. (ICegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—It is always interesting to read of men whose strong passion for......
An American Girl In London. By Sara Jeannette Duncan....
and Windus.)—This is a very entertaining account of England from a visitor's point of view, as any one who has read the lively account of the British Empire by the same writer,......
Current Literature.
The Universal Strike. By William Oakhurst. (Reeves )—Mr, W. Oakhurst writes lucidly and well, and possesses some imagina- tion. He has endeavoured to think out the results of a......