13 JUNE 1896, page 2

The Four Leaders Of The Insurgent Party In Johannes- Burg

were released on Thursday, the Executive Council of the Transvaal having commuted their sentences of fifteen }ears' imprisonment into a fine of £25,000 each. In the event of......

Mr. Birrell, Who Is So Scornful Of The Farmer, Voted

on Thursday to transfer the control of education from the County Councils, where farmers are one in nine, to the District Councils, where they are three in five.......

At The Congress Of Chambers Of Commerce Of The Empire,

which held a meeting on Tuesday at the hall of the Grocers' Company, Princes' Street, E.C., Mr. Chamberlain presided as Secretary for the Colonies, and made a very remarkable......

Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman Made A Successful Party...

this day week, which was none the better, but rather the worse, for being so successful. It was partisan through and through, except for one qualification, when he genially......

On This Important Suggestion We Have Commented Else-...

when it came to be discussed it soon appeared that there was very great diversity of opinion about it. Sir Douglas Smith, the High Commissioner of Canada and the delegate of the......

It Is Now Considered Certain That The Republican...

nominate Mr. McKinley as the candidate of the party for the Presidential election. He has a majority among the delegates of a hundred. This means that the party intends, if......

There Is One Effort In Which The Sultan's Government Is

successful, and that is in concealing facts from Western Europe. Unless British Consuls are on the spot we never hear the exact facts from any corner of the Empire, and......

The Committee On The Education Bill Was Opened On Thursday,

but in spite of great clearances of amendments effected both by the Speaker in relation to "instructions" to the Committee, and by the Chairman of Committees, Mr. J. W. Lowther,......