13 JUNE 1896, page 3

At A Meeting Of The Rochester Diocesan Society, Held In

the great hall of the Church House on Tuesday, the Bishop of Rochester in the chair, while his predecessor in the See, the present Bishop of Winchester, was also present, Mr.......

Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman Made A Successful Party...

this day week, which was none the better, but rather the worse, for being so successful. It was partisan through and through, except for one qualification, when he genially......

On Monday Mr. Morley Began The Debate On The Second

reading of the Irish Land Bill with a clever but rather captious speech, in which the speaker seemed more anxious to " score off" the Government than to make helpful......

The Rev. J. Guinness Rogers Preached A Strong Sermon Last

Sunday evening (the 7th inst.), at the Clapham Congre- gational Church on Mr. Gladstone's letter, taking as his text St. Paul's exhortation to the Galatians, "Be not entangled......

A Meeting In Favour Of Erecting A Memorial At Rugby

to the late Judge Hughes was held on Wednesday in the Jerusalem Chamber at Westminster, Dean Bradley in the chair. The Dean delivered a cordial and well-deserved eulogium on the......

Colonel Saunderson Put The Case For The Landlords With His

usual humour and keenness, if without much statesmanship. He drew attention to the high prices paid for tenant-right, sometimes from twenty to thirty years' purchase. He joined......

The French And Russian Governments Continue Their Rather...

to worry the British administrators of Egypt. On Monday, June 8th, the Mixed Tribunal, in which those Governments have the superior influence, delivered judgment against the......

Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.. New Consols (2i) Were On

Friday, 113i.......