Burns Roams
IT WAS no surprise to see Sir Terence Burns getting out. Smart in his chauffeur's cap and leggings, he has had to perch in the rumble seat while Gordon Brown mashes the gears......
The One That Got Away
ROLLS-ROYCE Motors rolls away from a land of missed opportunities. Its new own- ers, Volkswagen, might have been a British company. Lord King tells me that after the war VW was......
No, Chancellor
SIR TERENCE's successor, Andrew Turn- bull, must try to put this machine into order. Charlie and the back-seat kids will tangle with him at their peril. The Chancel- lor cannot......
MY RAILWAY correspondent, I.K.Gricer, is smirking like Thomas the Tank Engine. He was telling us five months ago how to build a railway to the Channel Tunnel. Quite simple,......
City And Suburban
Stuffed or quacking ducks and shadowy rabbits need a touch of rancour and asperity CHRISTOPHER FILDES K nneth Clarke as Chancellor had the engaging habit of leaning across the......
Where The Money Goes
THERE is, as Adam Smith said, a deal of ruin in a nation, especially nations as rich in resources as Nigeria or Zaire, but you have to give their rulers marks for trying. Only......