Death In Paris
Sir: Nicholas Farrell's extraordinary maun- derings (`Blood confusions', 6 June) do not reach the habitual level of thoughtfulness of The Spectator. The enigmas which appear to......
Sir: I Was Astonished By The Opening Para - Graphs In
Nick Farrell's otherwise excellent piece about the carbon monoxide in Henri Paul's blood. At the time he wrote this piece he had never seen a copy of the script of the pro -......
Letters Back On Track
Sir: I congratulate you on your leader of 30 May. I am a fifth-generation Australian whose ancestor came to Australia in 1806 as a free settler. He took up land in the Colony......
Sir: The Level Of Carbon Monoxide In Henri Paul's Blood,
20.7 per cent carboxy - haemoglobin saturation, is about the same as is regularly recorded in policemen on traffic duty in New York City. They have grown used to it. Perhaps......