13 OCTOBER 1984, page 22

Golden Chance

F or sale: one Union Jack, desk-top size. It is the bad g e of the City's most exclusive club, which has never since its foundation elected a new member. Ownin g the bad g e......

Best Sellers

H as the stock market g ot itself ri g ht — that is, have the brokers and jobbers who have been sellin g their birthri g hts g ot out at the top? Support for that com-......

More Olivers

A biscuit-sized campai g n medal for the column that brou g ht back the Bath Oliver. City and Suburban's account, two weeks a g o, of the Oliver's travels and stran g e, fitful......

City And

Banks' rotten apple T he Hi g h Street banks should now break their sycophantic habit of timin g a cut in their interest rates for the week of the Conservative Party Conference.......


R odney Galpin, the Bank of En g land director who now finds himself chair- man of Johnson Matthey Bankers, must feel that he has been here before. Ten years a g o, all the......