- News Of The Week.
Sims no longer seaworthy, when about to break up between the strain of winds and waves, have been known to give forth strange Monitory - sound.s like wailing : the sailor cannot......
In South Africa, Confusion Is Becoming Worse Confounded....
Smith could no doubt beat the Caffres if they would fight him in his own way ; but that the obstinate savages will not do. Since the beginning of the troubles they have given......
In The Beginning Of The Week Came News Of The
cutting of the first sod of the first Norwegian railway—a work of British enterprise and capital. A few days later, came intelligence that to British undertakers has been......
All Foreigners Intending To Reside Permanently In Paris,...
cise any calling there, must henceforth present themselves person- ally to the authorities, and obtain permission to remain. This new and stringent police-regulation is, it is......