13 SEPTEMBER 1851, page 21
Gn the 7th August, at Nassau, New Providence, the Lady of the Hon. J. C. Lees, Chief Justice and President of the Council of the Bahamas, of a son. On the 20th, at Oporto, the......
Commercial Gazette,
Tuesday, September 9. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-J. and A. Giddings, Edwards Street, Portman Square, dressitakers-Hodgkinson and Macdonald, Manchester, commission-agents-Spiller......
Prices Current.
FOREIGN FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian 5 p. Ct 811 Massathusetts (Sterling)...6 p. Ct. Belgian 4 1 — Mexican 5 - Ditto 21......