13 SEPTEMBER 1986, page 27

Vacant Figures

Sir: Arthur Seldon is right (The Economy, 23 August) that a million or so alleged unemployed are, in fact, working busily in the black economy. What he omitted to say was that......

Bell's Theory

Sir: That the theory of significant form in art was the invention of Roger Fry is a commonplace mistake. Mr John McEwen (9 August), as a writer on British art, ought perhaps to......

Just A Smack At Amis

Sir: The complaint of the gravely wounded Kingsley Amis that he was 'cut into illitera- cy' because the Spectator had altered his copy so that it featured the phrase 'Harold......

Gandhi Believed

Sir: This refers to Mr Dhiren Bhagat's article titled 'India busts sanctions' in the Spectator of 16 August 1986. The article is typically subservient to those who would clutch......

Henry Moore

Sir: I read John Read's tribute to Henry Moore (6 September) with some pleasure until I turned the page and came to the following paragraph: 'It took a lot to fluster Henry......

Whitlam Not The Worst

Sir: Hal Colebatch manages to inject so much spiteful malice into his piece on Gough Whitlam's book, The Whitlam Gov- ernment 1972-75 (Books, 23 August), that it totally......

Jewish Dispersion

Sir: Charles Glass is mistaken when he states in his review (6 September) that the Jews of Iraq were almost unique in not being part of the Diaspora created in 70A.D after the......

Before You Go

Sir: Raymond Keene describes (Chess, 6 September) the 'curious Azerbaijani cus- tom' of sitting in silence before leaving for a journey. It is not only Azerbaijani. In Doctor......

Village Lads

Sir: 'Not a single lad in the village. . .' (T. E. Utley, Politics, 23 August), but how could Welbourne have known? Surely few 16-year-olds would have admitted short- comings on......