A Correction
MR. WILSON HARRIS writes: Owing to an error in the version on which I relied for a quotation from one of Mr. Churchill's speeches (that on the entry of Russia int8 the war) in......
Sta,—many Of Your Readers Will Be Grateful For Mr. Wilson
Harris' article on our Prime Minister ; and for .the opportunity of reabsorbing the grandeur of some of the finest speeches ever made by a statesman of this, or any other,......
The Future Of Conservatism
will turn away from the fantastic proposal introduced by Mr. E. R. Cochrane in last week's Spectator, in which he pleads for a New Conservatism, the distinguishing feature of......
The Machine And The Mind
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Sig,—Miss Reaveley's article on her experiences in a war factory touches on one of the great problems of our age—the effects of modern methods of......
Sir,—even A Humble Editor Such As Myself Appreciates An...
letter of genuine appreciation from readers, and I add this mead to the many tributes you will probably receive for the splendid way that trinity —the Editor, "Janus," Wilson......
The Prime Minister
SIR, —.After the recent Parliamentary debates and the newspaper discus- sions arising therefrom, your article and Mr. Harold Nicolson's marginal comment on the Prime Minister in......