China And The War
Sta,—Owing to the loss of my books and notes re Hong Kong, due to enemy action, I confused the British Medical Association with the General Medical Council of Education, a......
China And Britain
Snt,—In taking exception to my comments on Hong Kong in my articles on China, your correspondents draw attention to the benefits accruing to China through British enterprise. I......
Are Town Councils Dull?
SIR,—Alderman Tiptaft is too modest. His may be the second city in the country, but as a municipal entity it is surely second to none. The Metropolis still has the City......
Country Life.
WE have been saved from a too precocious spring, that pleasant event feared by every countryman; and yet seldom was work on farms and gardens so beneficently forward. The......
Eirf—neutral Or Hostile ?
Sta,—" He that is not for us is against us." Mr. Dulanty in his letter in your issue of March 31st mentions that upwards of 170,000 Irish men and women are now here hard at work......