Pole Position
From Tan Kowalski Sir: As Simon Hefter says (It's time to move on', 7 August), there is no earthly reason why Britain should apologise to Poland for not doing more to help the......
Black Misgivings
From Fr John Carey Sir: Whatever may or may not have appeared in the Telegraph Group titles about 'the affairs of Lord Black', it is absurd for Stephen Glover (Media, 7 August)......
A Greed-fuelled War
From Ruth Terme Sir: Anthony Browne in his scholarly alert against the fundamentalism of Islam and its ambition to conquer the world (The triumph of the East', 24 July) claims......
We Need The Cfp
From Ben Bradshaw MP Sir: I was surprised that my Conservative shadow, Owen Paterson, in his otherwise admirable review of the excellent book on fishing by the Telegraph's......
They're At It Again!
From Sheridan Morley Sir: 0 God, here we go again. I did not at any time 'review. . . a show [II hadn't actually seen' for the Daily Express (Arts, 7 August). What I did was to......
Waxing Christianity
From Dr William Oddie Sir: 'Of course,' says William J. Abbot (Letters, 31 July), `Belloc had no way of knowing that by the 21st century Christianity would be well on the way to......