0 My Annie Long Ago!
FRANK KEATING F orget for the nonce the neighbouring soccer shrine; cricket's Old Trafford in (one must stress) the sun always takes some beating. Hoary Yorkie scribe J.M.......
Q. What Is The Correct Attitude To Strike When A
friend regularly inquires whether one has read the latest issue of The Spectator, the purpose of the inquiry being to draw one's attention to correspondence from that person in......
Q. Each Week - When I Read The Spectator I Find
that there are always one or two articles which are so erudite, lucid, pertinent or amusing that I cannot bring myself to throw them away. I feel that I must tear them out and......
Q. We Are Staying In A Beachside House Party In
Cornwall with nine children. The local ice creams are delicious but too costly (at E18 per day if they have two daily). Can you suggest a cheap and cheerful pudding that anyone......