"refugees." At The Curzon This Ufa Film—shown With German...
and English captions—is based on the real adventures of a band of pre- War German settlers in the Ukraine who in 1928 are trying to find a way out of Russia by way of northern......
Stage And Screen
The Puppet Theatre English and German OF all theatrical entertainments the puppet-show is the most slender, the most intimate. It is true that Signor Podreeca's Piccoli......
The Cinema
"Les Miserables." At the Academy Vic roe Htmo's huge novel has been filmed in two parts, of which this is the first. It takes the story down to M. Made- leine's escape from......
"the Man Who Knew Too Much." At The New Gallery
Miss Nova Pilbeam, the gifted child actress who recently made her name in Little Friend, undergoes further ordeals in this new Gmunont production, for she is kidnapped by a gang......