The Nation's Physique Sir George Newman Is Showing...
in insisting on every appropriate occasion on the necessity for adopting a comprehensive and wisely-conceived scheme of physical training for the nation. Countries like Germany......
The Hiohways Of Greater London The - Minister Of...
to be congratulated on I I I taking a first practical step towards solving the immense problem of the transport-planning of Greater London. He has shown his appreciation of the......
Flogging In Prisona Though The Home Secretary Has Refused...
VeqUest of Mr. Bernays for an 'enquiry into the ilse . of the 'eat in prisons, the facts regarding the two Princetaivri'eoiiiiiets on whom sentence of that form of piniislunent......
The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent...
is a pity that Sir Samuel Hoare, who opened the India debate on Monday, has not a greater sense of the dramatic. His speech was well reasoned and unprovocative, but it was......
The Powerful Supporters In The Press Of Isolation In Foreign
Policy must have had a cruel disappointment at the reception of Sir John Simon's finely-phrased statement that British troops would co-operate in the preservation of order......
The Speech Of The First Commissioner Of Works On Tues-
day was admirable, particularly his ragging of the Whigs, who form such a substantial proportion of the dis- sentients. The fact that an educated India demanded Home Rule today......
The Osteopaths Bill .
The House of Lords, having given a second reading' to Viscount Elibank's Osteopaths Bill, took the sensible course °t€ insisting on- referring the measure to a Select Committee......
It Is In My View A Mistake To Assume, As
some com- mentators have done, that, with the crushing defeat of the Diehards at the Queen's Hall, so far as-the battle on the Government of India Bill is concerned, " it i§ all......