Safe Betting.
[TO TER EDITOR OF THE "SPROTATOR.1 SIR,—In one of your last week's articles, you asked how it was possible so to bet on a horse-race as to be sure of winning, and if so, why......
The French Situation. (to The Editor Of Ran "sexotator.1...
—I have been in the habit for many years of reading your valuable journal, and of looking upon it as my chief authority on all political questions. But ha ., 'ng resided in......
Mr. Maurice And Ritualism.
[To THR EDITOR OF THE "SPEOTATOR.1 SIR, — Sir E. Strachey accuses me of casting a slur upon the' memory of Mr. Maurice,—of the man, that is to say, to whom I am under deeper......
Mr. Maurice's Biography.
[TO TER EDITOR. OF TEE SFROTATOR."] Srn,—Cannot Sir Edward Strachey, or Mr. Davies, be persuaded to turn his serious attention to the publication of Mr. Maurice's. biography ?......