The Turkish Government Has Discovered That Western Europe...
and accordingly has begun to issue a series of despatches accusing the Russian troops of all possible crueltiee, for which, however, it offers no independent evidence. On the......
The Troops Of The American Union Have At Last Crossed
the frontier of Mexico in pursuit of marauders. They did not effect much, but the cavalry rode for a two days' march across the Rio Grande, and attacked Indians who are Mexican......
There Was An Alarm On Thursday That The Colorado Beetle
had landed on the quays in Dublin, but Sir M. Hicks-Beach assured the House of Commons on Thursday evening that the intelligence was erroneous. Another beetle, twice his size,......
The Bill Abolishing The Royal Prerogative Of Making Irish...
has been lost in the Commons, having been talked out on Wednesday by the Irish Members, who pleaded through Captain Nolan that the Bill would bring up the question of the right......
We Regret Deeply To Notice The Death Of Mr. J.
C. Marsh- man, of Redcliffe Square, almost the only Anglo-Indian not lathe service, of the State who ever made himself a visible nWare. in the peninsula, and certainly the only......
A Panic Has Occurred In Gas Shares And Gas Debentures,
which at one time threatened to assume serious proportions. The shares in one Company fell sixteen per cent., and in almost all the average fall amounted to a twelfth of their......
Mr. E. J. Reed, Formerly Constructor Of The Navy, And
now M.P. for the Pembroke Boroughs, has carried his point at last, after a bard struggle, as to the 'Inflexible.' He has always maintained that an independent scientific......
A Very Painful Case Of Suicide Has Occurred In The
Bluecoat School. A little boy of the name of William Arthur Gibbs, who had run away for the second time, and had been flogged for it on the first occasion, hanged himself last......