Sir: Having read Benny Green's remarks on J.M. Barrie (so wittily headlined 'Private parts') I am happy to realise that I too suffer from arrested emotional development, because......
The Boat People
Sir: Alexander Chancellor really cannot be allowed to get away with so many misleading statements in his Notebook for 30 June. Why does he say the refugee problem is a 'legacy'......
Sir: I read with attention two pages, at least, of your paper of 7 July; the first was that where Mr Chancellor properly castigates his fellow journalists for seizing and......
Sir: Why did Tim Garton Ash (7 July) describe Action as 'Mosley's short-lived periodical'? After Sir Harold Nicolson there were several editors up to the journal's demise when......
A Great Gap
Sir: I congratulate the Spectator on Geoffrey Wheatcroft's article on Reynolds Stone. The miserable little notice about Reynolds Stone in the Daily Telegraph made me, and no......
Rare Treat
Sir: Of course your correspondent is right (23 June) — Miss Spark's verse is chaff and straw. I am reminded of an earlier and greater novelist who thought she was a poet also —......