14 JUNE 1930, page 18

The Church Of Scotland

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—As a friend, not only of Mr. Malcolm Thomson, but also of the truth, I must protest against the misstatement on the part of one of your......

England's Largest Arable Farmer

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—A letter from Mr. George Baylis, that appeared in the Spectator of May 24 has just been brought to my notice. It would have been answered......

Points From Letters "in Circulation."

It would save disappointment to book lovers if libraries would give a clear definition of what books they supply for their " guaranteed or de luxe subscription " as advertised.......

Free Versus Caged Birds • [to The Editor Of The

SPECTATOR.] Sm,—When I first heard that Sir Esme Howard had written an article for you on -" Psittacosis and the Starlings," I - feared that the bird might have been put down as......

The Detection Club

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Ste,—On looking, somewhat belatedly, through the book news in my copy of the Spectator for May 17th, I noticed a para- graph referring to the......

A Hundred Years Ago

THE " SPECTATOR," JUNE 12TH, 1830. • FATAL FIGHT. Byrne, the slayer of M•Kay, in pugilistic conflict, has been arrested. We trust that he will be sent to exhibit his powers at......