Ministerial Changes In Our Last Issue We Mentioned The New
appointments of Mr. Thomas and Mr. Vernon Hartshorn. The other new Ministerial appointments are Dr. Addison as Minister of Agriculture, Lord De La Warr as Parliamentary......
All The Statutes Which Stood In The Way Were Quickly
ab olished. Prince Carol was enthroned. Dr. Maniu's Government resigned, apparently only to avoid any appearance of partisan tactics in helping the popular coup. The Peasant......
A Concession On Income Tax The Last Day In The
House of Commons before the recess was brightened by a decision which showed that Mr. Philip Snowden can make a concession. Sir L. Worthington-Evans took exception to the......
Wages In Germany The German Minister Of Labour On Tuesday
declared legally binding the arbitrator's award in the wages dispute in the German North-Western iron and steel area. The award involves a reduction of wages, to be accompanied......
The End Of The Channel Tunnel Last Week The Prime
Minister announced that the Government had decided against the construction of the Channel Tunnel. The reasons were fully set out in a White Paper issued subsequently. The......
-it May Be Added That The General Feeling In America
is that the . volume is notable for its painstaking fairness. Americans to-day—largely as a result of Miss Mayo's book—take as much interest in India as they formerly took in......
The Malta Conflict Wild Scenes Took Place In The Streets
of Valetta on Whit-Sunday on the occasion of the sermon by Archbishop Caruana, Bishop of Malta, in the Cathedral. Large crowds had assembled for the excitement of again......
King Carol Ii After All, There Has Been A Restoration
in Rumania. The exiled Prince Carol has superseded his infant son as King. A year ago anything seemed more likely than that Prince Carol, whose career was judged to be hardly......