The Everest Exhibition
Sta,—All those concerned with the preparation of the Everest Exhibi- tion recently shown at the Tea Centre in Lower Regent Street, and of the model of Everest which was its......
The Increasing Male
Sm,—Returning to the charge (albeit reluctantly and solely in the Interests of truth), I must again challenge Mr. Hilton Young's figures in his letter of August 1st. I have......
In Defence Of Tyndale
SIR,—As a young schoolmaster who has helped in the teaching of scripture at this country grammar school for the past three years, I feel that something further must be said......
Nesting Materials
Snt,—In some parts of the world even stranger nesting materials than those mentioned by Mr. Ian Niall are used. Like human builders, birds are sometimes obliged to use......
The Speirers
SIR,—Mr. Ochiltree has touched on a very unpleasant aspect of modern bureaucratic control. It reminds one of the old jingle: "Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to......
Clubs For The Professions
Sts,—The reasons for J. Lindsay's proposal of clubs for professioral people who take jobs away from home would seem to be inadequate. If, as stated by her, the membership of a......
- Which Side Of The Street ?
Sm,—I am interested to see Janus's error about Thomas Gray's colleje corrected. As an undergraduate I was taken to see from below de window of his bedroom at Peterhouse. The......
Home Thoughts From Abroad
SIR,—Miss Marghanita Laski's venomous criticism of Nevil Shute's book The Far Country needs an answer from one who agrees that life in England today is quite intolerable for......