A Spectator's Notebook
I T appears that some of the glaring deficiencies in the prison system of' the country, brought to public notice by the recent report of a Select Committee of the House of......
Who Killed George Polk, And Why ? The Questions, I
suppose, are meaningless to most readers of this column. Very few of us remember, even when the facts are recalled, the dis- covery on May 16th, 1948, of the corpse, trussed......
It Is A Pity That The Voice That Breathed O'er
Eden on Thursday was only that of the Registrar at Caxton Hall, not of some appropriate ecclesiastical dignitary. Marriage is a solemn undertaking, and there is everything to be......
Labour In Labour
T HE platitudinarians at any rate seem assured of that full employment on which the Labour Party lays such stress. That is the first reassuring conclusion that emerges from a......
As A Contribution To The Reduction In The Cost Of
living Picture Post is to be reduced immediately from 6d. a week to 46. That is a drastic, but probably a wise, decision. The report of the Hulton Press published last Saturday......
Current Discussions In The Spectator And Esewhere On...
of the Bible will receive a considerable stimulus when Messrs. Nelson publish at the end of next month the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, prepared by a most competent......