Letters To The Editor.
THE CONGO. [To THR EDITOR Or TUN " se genToR.-i SrE,—The gravity of the position which the Congo question has now reached must be my excuse for again troubling you. I believe it......
[to Till Editor Of Th1 "sroarrieroa."1 You Permit Me To
offer a few remarks with reference to your excellent article on this subject in last Saturday's Spectator? In the first place, I believe that all thoughtful officers will......
A Problem In Military Education.
[TO THE EDITOR OT THE " SPECTATOR." Szu,—With reference to your interesting article in your issue of February 8th on Lord Esher's suggestions in the United Service Magazine, is......
THE STATE OF THE NAVY.—LORD ESHER'S LETTER. LTO ma EinTos OF THE " SPROTATOV:] Sin,—Lord Esher, in a recently published letter, has ranged himself with those who oppose the......