15 FEBRUARY 1908, page 23

Sheaves. By E. F. Benson. (w. Heinemann. 8s.)—it Is Not

often that Mr. Benson can be accused of want of courage, but he must be conscious that in his present novel he sets a problem, and then runs away from its solution. To kill your......

Modern Studies.*

UNDER the above title Professor Elton gives to the world again in permanent form articles which he contributed to various journals, "with many changes and enlargements." The "......


A SHEAF OF CORN.* THE list of novels standing to the credit of Mrs. Mann has already reached a score; but it is not as an industrious and prolific writer that she claims......

Political History Of England-1' Tins Is A History Of The

reign of Queen Victoria, of events of which many of us have been, in one way or another, a part, and perhaps the ideal testimony to its merit would be that it should please no......