The Traveller In Austria.* Ma. Baker In His, Preface Laments
the want of any compre- hensive book on Austria in the English language, and in the present volume he sets out to remedy the defect. He brings to the task an almost lifelong......
Justin Mc C.arthy.*
Mas. CAMPBELL PRAED has done well to give this collection of letters publication, and although her taskin editing them has been an extremely difficult one, she has probably......
Science From An Easy-chair.*
AMONG all the children of science it is probable that none gets more happiness out of his vocation, more reward for his pains, than the good all-round naturalist. The world is......
Swedenborg's Physics-i' Most People Who Are Familiar With...
a mystical' theologian are unaware that he was also a great physicist. 'Science from an Easy-Chair. A Second Series. By Sir Bay Lankester, K.C.B., F.R.S. London Adlard. [66.......