HELENA BRETT'S CA_REER.* WE cannot think at the moment of any other novel in which the role of heroine has been assigned to the wife of a popular novelist, but in an age in......
Where Are Yougoing To — ? By Elizabeth Robins. (w. Heine-...
6s.)—Miss Robins's writing is hardly up to her usual standard in this book. Perhaps the fact of its being a novel with a purpose has a little blinded the author to the canons of......
Swedenborg's Physics-i' Most People Who Are Familiar With...
a mystical' theologian are unaware that he was also a great physicist. 'Science from an Easy-Chair. A Second Series. By Sir Bay Lankester, K.C.B., F.R.S. London Adlard. [66.......
Readable Novels.—the Mysterious Monsieur Dumont. By...
6s.)—A clever story of the Revolution, in which the least credible thing is the personality of The Mysterious Monsieur Dumont.—The Common Problem. By Rachel King. (Lynwood and......
Broken Pitchers. By Reginald Wright Kauffman. (stephen...
6s.)—A book of short stories on the same subject is Broken Pitchers by Reginald Wright Kauffman. These are less concerned with kidnapping than with the various motives which......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice sach Books of the week as 7 aro: not been reserved for review in other forms.] them will have their imagination stirred by this collection of......