The Prime Minister Opportunely Recalled On Monday Mr....
in the House of Commons on the death of King George V. With what depth of feeling S. B. would have spoken on this occasion. His admiration for the late King was immense. (After......
The Muddle About Seats On The Funeral Route On Friday
is very unfortunate. Thousands of people would have been only too glad to pay a moderate sum for some alternative to the street as a point of vantage. But early attempts at......
Yet There Is One Other Counsellor Who May Mean More
to the Queen, in a slightly different field, than even the Prime Minister. From the moment of the King's death I have felt that hardly any question mattered so much as whether......
Of All The Tributes That Have Been Paid To King
George VI in recent years there is one that I would put higher almost than any other. During the King's visit to South Africa in 1947 he was talking to a Bechuana Chief. At the......
Other People's Impressions May Well Have Differed From...
I switched off after the memorial broadcast on Sunday night with a keen sense of disappointment. Not, of course, everything was wrong with it, but so much was. It was a great......
A Spectator's Notebook
I N his admirable article on King George VI in last week's Spectator John Gore suggested that it was too soon -to attempt to assess the King's place among modern British......
It Argues No Whit Of Disrespect For Any Possible Alternative
—Mr. Attlee, let us say, or Mr. Eden—to voice a most pro- found thankfulness that the Sovereign's chief Minister at this grave moment of transition has been Mr. Churchill. That......
Atticus Of The Sunday Times Slipped Up A Little When
he published on Sunday the picture of two small boys in bathing- suits of a bygone day, saying that it had never appeared before. It appeared, in fact, as a full-page picture......