National Training—wanted, A Magna Charta For British Boys.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."J SIE,—In your last issue you printed a letter signed "Major • (Retired pay)," upon which, with your permission, I should like to make a few......
Belgium And The Congo.
(To MI EDITOR Or TR. Brno...v.1 SI11,—I was asked some time ago to define Belgian politics, and I answered: "Clericalism v. Anti-Clericalism; in fact, religious wrangling," this......
Medical Inspection Of Schools.
[To THE EDITOR 07 TEM - srsorsrov • Sra,—May I call the attention of your readers to the subject of medical inspection of schools,--a subject likely to come prominently into......
Unrest In India.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE . SPROTATOR.1 Snt,—The importance of the subject must be my excuse for addressing you again. You remarked that unhappily it is not the case that those......