Church Extension At Aldershot. [to The Editor Or The "
senwoa."1 SIn,—It may interest your readers to know that a sum of £38 Ss. has resulted so far from the appeal you were kind enough to insert in the Spectator on behalf of church......
Charles Waterton.
[To MIR EDITOR or MI SPIOTATOILI Si,—.In reference to your article on Waterton, the naturalist, in last week's Spectator, in regard to his irritability, it may interest your......
The Coleridge Cottage, Nether Stowe's?", Purchase Scheme.
LTO THZ EDITOR OV rat Snt,—You will help us much if you can call attention in the Spectator to this meeting and appeal.—I am, Sir, Stc., "A meeting of the Committee which has......
Medical Inspection Of Schools.
[To THE EDITOR 07 TEM - srsorsrov • Sra,—May I call the attention of your readers to the subject of medical inspection of schools,--a subject likely to come prominently into......
Co1llard Of The Zambesl [to The Editor Od Ter . Spectator:1
Si, — While thanking you for the appreciative notice of the above work in the Spectator of Jane 8th, may I correct one statement ? Notwithstanding a great moral change, Lewanika......
The Celts And Their Alleged Indifference To Cruelty To...
rTo TUE EDITOR, Or Tint Sp earAros."1 SIR,—Your correspondent Mr. McClintock in last week's Spectator quotes from Tennyson that the Celt's imagination "does not allow of Lis......