15 JUNE 2002, page 32

Stalin's Unique Vileness

From Mr Stephen Schwartz Sir: Although I agreed with most of Geoffrey Wheatcroft's double review of Christopher Hitchens's Orwell's Victory and Ronald Radosh, Mary R. Habeck and......

Painful Pageants

From Mr Timothy O'Sullivan Sir: The pop concert at Buckingham Palace was certainly grotesque, as Stephen Glover says (Media studies, 8 June), but then so was its 'classical'......

When Nine Was Enough

From Mr Mathew Lu Sir: Daniel Hannan (`Stop the superstate', 8 June) wrote, The US Constitution did not come into force until each of the 13 member states had ratified it......

Fly Safely With Steyn

From Captain Vincent Czaplyski Sir: Please, please tell me whether there's a way Mark Steyn could be nominated to replace Norman Mineta as US transportation secretary, or......

Para Normal

From Mr Julian Spilsbuty Sir: Does Sion Simon ('Ingerland expects. . ',8 June) really think that Paras 'applaud' at military funerals? He should get out more. Julian Spilsbuty......

Don't Be Mean

From Mr James Methuen-Campbell Sir: I consider Selina Hastings's negative review of my Denton Welch book (Books, 1 June) a trifle mean. She compares it unfavourably with Michael......

Smoke Signal

From Mr Neville Beale Sir: Admiral Beaufort's wind scale ('An admirable admiral', Books, 8 June) was still of real use to Royal Air Force navigators on long-range meteorological......

The Suspecting Bank

From Mr Peter Raebum-Ward Sir: Barclays Bank have just telephoned me regarding my 16-year-old son's account. Although I have banked with them for more than 40 years, my......