President Azaiia Senor Azafia's Election As President Of...
Republic was certain once he presented himself as a candidate. He is the most powerful personality in Spanish politics ; but his decision to become President has been a shock to......
Arms Manufacture And The State The Complexity Of The Task
of the Royal Commission on the Private Manufacture of Arms was considerably increased by the vigour with which Sir Maurice Hankey, giving evidence last Friday, traversed the......
* * * President Roosevelt's Opponents The Republican...
choose its presidential candidate at the national convention which: opens in Cleveland on June 9th. The assumption is that he must be a Westerner or Mid-Westerner, since it is......
The Questions To Germany More Comment Has Been Aroused In
Germany by the decision to publish the questions addressed by the British Government to Herr Hitler than by the questions themselves. As to the questions, it was quite essential......
M. Blum And The Franc This Week The French Franc
has shown a considerable recovery, largely owing to M. Leon Bluni's reassuring speech on Sunday, and to restrictions on the foreign ex- change market which hampered the small......
The Pope On Conquest Speaking At Manchester On Tuesday, The
President of the Salford Branch of the Catholic Truth Society explained that in regard to the Italo-Abyssinian dispute the Pope " has kept a dignified silence because he is......