15 MAY 1936, page 3

It Was Not Without Its Significance That Mr. Baldwin In

the course of a long answer to a question from Mr. Churchill on Wednesday afternoon three times referred to him as " the right honourable gentleman " insttad of " my right......

Coincident. Nvith This Recovery Of Mr. Baldwin Has Been A

rally to the side of the League and a continuance of sanctions. The Diehards who imagined that Sir Austen's speech had killed the sanctions policy are disagreeably surprised at......

I Have Been Increasingly Impressed This Week By The Immense

Parliamentary competence of Mr. Neville Chamberlain. The claims on his time are prodigious. In addition to piloting the Budget through the House, he has been in charge both of......

The Irish Budget The Irish Free State Has So Often,

in this country, been threatened with ruin if it persists in the ways of Mr. de Valera that the Irish Budget may seem somewhat surprising to Englishmen. As Mr. McEntee, the......

The Future Of The League That The Italo-abyssinian War,...

on Japanese action in Manchuria, has brought the whole future of the League of Nations into question is a matter of common agreement. The actual existence of the League may be......

Arms Manufacture And The State The Complexity Of The Task

of the Royal Commission on the Private Manufacture of Arms was considerably increased by the vigour with which Sir Maurice Hankey, giving evidence last Friday, traversed the......

Civil List Pensions Mr. Neville Chamberlain Used Some...

striking arguments in his lively debate with Mr. A. P. Herbert on the provision of £1,200 for new pensions in the Civil List. He said that it would be improper to raise that sum......

The Week In Parliament Our Political Correspondent Writes...

has been a substantial rise in Mr. Baldwin's stock from the low levels to which it has recently sunk. Now that Govern- ment supporters have had leisure to consider Sir Austen......